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Fashion Designing


Learn, Innovate and Achieve – It’s the core life cycle of what defines our teaching methodology.

The art of designing aesthetically pleasing clothes is what is taught at International Institute Of Design Studies(IIDS). Students graduating from IIDS learn each little aspect of their curriculum experientially and practically. They are treated as the future decision makers of what an entire generation of population will wear, from the day they step into our classes.

Our fashion design students are encouraged to explore different fabrics, embroideries, dyes and other mediums of creating the most original and creative pieces of clothing.

The teaching staff at IIDS ensures that our students form a habit of remaining in touch with what is happening in the fashion industry locally as well as internationally. We believe this helps IIDSians remain updated about the latest trends, while maintain their own unique style of work.

The only reason IIDS has been able to churn out successful fashion designers either placed at top posts in today’s leading brands design studios or doing extremely well on their own is, only because the teaching staff’s dedicated efforts. Our teachers’ motivation to ensure only the best for each pupil entering their class is what makes all the difference in the world.

The students of IIDS are given a full scale project of designing couture for a children’s photo-shoot. These first year fashion design students are expected to do the entire process of designing, right from working on the theme to the stitching and draping of the outfits on the little models posing at the photo shoot.

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Fashion @ IIDS

IIDS is the harbinger of a design revolution. Its commitment to the promotion of a fashion creed has been acknowledged and appreciated by people, professionals and media. IIDS offers Diploma and Degree course in fashion designing a long tradition of academic excellence and career-focused education. Courses at the institute is the most acclaimed ones. At IIDS you learn the strategic approach to designing, get equipped with the tools, coupled with the skills of couture styling, cuts falls and the whole paraphernalia of creative designing.

The Fashion Design course at IIDS has a unique curriculum that equips a student with all the knowledge needed to sustain in today’s fashion industry.

Course Advantages

Fashion designing is the latest trend and is very popular in these days among the students. Fashion designing is basically creating new designs for the clothes and accessories to make them more beautiful or pleasing. There are number of art schools and design schools that offer diploma advance diploma and degrees in fashion designing. The impact of fashion designing is not only confined to the boundaries of a country but has a wider range which means that if you become famous in this area then there are chances that you will be recognized internationally. Fashion designing is the most appealing, glamorous and exciting career option in today’s world. If you are creative, imaginative and stylish then fashion designing is the best career option for you. On the one hand the fashion industry satisfies both the creative fancies and the materialistic needs of the people. On the other hand it gives fame, glamour, success and a high pay packages to the people who deserves. To make a career in fashion designing it is important to acquire some qualifications from a recognized fashion school/institute. Students can enroll for these courses after completing their 10th for diploma 12thfor advance diploma and degree. The duration of the courses provided in fashion designing may vary between one to three years depending upon the choice of the course. Some of the most popular courses for fashion designing in India are B.Sc in fashion designing and Technology, and many more. And some diploma courses are diploma course women’s ethnic wear clothes, advance fashion designing diploma course etc. The career in fashion designing starts as an intern designer after completing the respective course and later enters into the higher stages of fashion industry. Fashion designing students can take up positions as fashion designers, fashion coordinators, stylists, merchandisers, textile analysts, pattern maker, production managers, production managers, store managers and fashion illustrated and if interested they can also become fashion journalist .A student of fashion designing should have good taste and sense of trend and fashion. Technical aspects like fashion art, elements of design, pattern making, surface ornamentation, draping textile, garments construction and fashion illustration are taught and practiced in the mention courses of designing. Though fashion designing is a tough place to survive with extreme competition, the scale of its scope and opportunities never falls down. In India fashion industry is still in its fledgling stage. This industry offers plenty of opportunities for talented hard working and enthusiastic people. The best part of this course is that after completion of the course, students can remain self employed. Great fashion designer’s salary always shows an upward moving trend and if you become a reputed designer you can demand the world. Indian fashion is gaining a lot of popularity abroad because of cheap labor and excellent craftsmanship. India is today witnessing rapid growth in several sectors which includes the fashion industry.